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Christ, our Passover!
The event is super-historical. If there had been no Resurrection of Christ, there would be no salvation for mankind. Without it, there would be no faith, and without faith, it is impossible to please God. We would have no hope, the kind that, according to the Apostle, does not disappoint and ultimately sanctifies us through the love of God for salvation and eternal life in the Lord and with the Lord in His eternal Kingdom. The Word of God, which Christ left us as an inheritance, serves as a guiding light for our hearts and minds, helping us stay firm against the schemes of the evil one aimed at destroying our faith in the living God. By integrating the Word of God into our spiritual being through faith, we receive the power of God for our own salvation. Hallelujah!
Christ, our Passover, is forever in our hearts, and we celebrate His presence in our souls every day and every moment. Our spiritual being, resurrected by the Holy Spirit through our faith, is risen with Him. Hallelujah! Today, we celebrate His victory over death, for through His sacrifice on the Cross at Golgotha, He granted us, His believers, eternal life by defeating death with His own death. Through His Resurrection, He achieved eternal glory for Himself. Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord! By worshiping the Lord with love for Him and for our neighbors, we simultaneously glorify the Father and thank Him from the bottom of our hearts for His immeasurable sacrifice. He gave His Only Begotten Son on the Cross at Golgotha so that we, humans, could receive life and eternal life. Let us continue to love our Triune God and worship Him in spirit, fulfilling His perfect will—the will of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Let us be holy, as He is holy, for we are born of Him.
Amen! Christ is Risen, Truly He is Risen!
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